Transmission Maintenance And Warning Signs

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Virtually the last words any car owner want to hear from their mechanic are, "It's the transmission." Your vehicle's transmission is a complex component that must work properly if the car is going to run efficiently. The following article looks at this subject in more detail and offers some key tips to keep your transmission operating smoothly.


Naturally, you want to prevent any transmission issues from cropping up in the first place. The best way to do this is by making sure that you perform proper maintenance and care. A key task is to check the fluid level from time to time. Your transmission fluid should be a clear reddish color and have a sweet smell under normal conditions. If the fluid is dark and/or murky, this could be a sign of trouble and you should have the car looked at by a transmission specialist. Also, always make certain that you use the correct type of transmission fluid when adding more to your car. If you are uncertain about the correct type, check your owner's manual.

Other crucial maintenance tasks and driving tips include having your transmission system flushed periodically according to the recommendation in your owner's manual, letting your car warm up for a few minutes after starting the engine and changing the transmission filter, if your vehicle has one, whenever the transmission is flushed. Also do not use your car for towing, as this puts a great deal of strain on your transmission and can harm it.

Warning Signs

In addition to taking good care of the transmission, watch out for any warning signs of problems. For example, as indicated earlier, dark transmission fluid is often a sign of trouble. If your transmission is slipping, this is also a clear warning that something is not right. Another warning sign is when you hear a noticeable sound when the car shift gears and the shift process is rougher than normal. If your vehicle has a delay in shifting from park to drive, this could indicate a transmission issue as well.

Any fluid leak from your transmission is a significant warning sign and should be addressed as soon as possible. Check your driveway for any signs of a transmission leak regularly.

If you suspect that your transmission is not functioning as it should or simply want to have it inspected for any potential issues, take your vehicle to a transmission shop in your city.

